The Long Beach Herald printed my letter… and since then another Category 5 hurricane devastated St Croix, USVI and Puerto Rico.
Climate change certainly is demanding our response. The answer is in you and me, in making it a priority, and acting together.
Earlier in May, Newsday had, for the second time in just a few weeks, assaulted both factual information about off shore wind and our renewable energy future with misleading complaints about the unknown costs of renewables in 2030. Our volunteer team did not disappoint in responding!! Congratulations to Karen Miller for having your letter published in Newsday and to all those who submitted letters to stand up for facts over anti-wind hit pieces.
Newsday letters to the editor Thursday, May 25, 2017
Newsday readers respond to topics covered.
I believe it would show total disrespect for the ratepayers if the Long Island Power Authority claimed it could outline the costs of green energy plans over the next 20 years.
The costs of both solar and wind power have been dropping. The costs for wind power alone have been forecast to shrink by 24 percent to 30 percent by 2030, according to a survey of experts published in the journal Nature Energy in November.
A 50-inch television bought 12 years ago cost several thousand dollars. Today, it costs several hundred. This is the way technology often works. For someone to base the cost of that TV today on the cost 12 years ago would have been foolhardy, and to pretend otherwise as an excuse for not implementing technology is to show an implicit bias.
Moreover, the need for us to utilize clean energy technologies is immediate and urgent. Failure to do so will allow the increased impact of climate change to exacerbate extreme weather conditions and sea-level rise.
Climate and the environment are the root of all we do. Solutions are what we can do NOW.
At All Our Energy, just because we are focused on the solutions: renewable energy and stopping pollution in all forms; whether it be an LNG Port, an unnecessary fossil fuel power plant, or the needless waste of single use plastic bags- doesn’t mean we should forget what drives our actions. Climate change and the degradation of air, land, and water for human livability is where we spring to action from.
So you want to see what climate change “looks like”?
Earlier this year, the alarming “climate spiral” visualization was released, showing the months of the year represented as a circle, with recorded monthly temperatures added in, over time. It clearly shows the spiral getting larger then dramatically larger, representing higher temperature, as we reach the present.
The original was scary enough, showing the dramatic increase and acceleration in global warming up to the present day. This new projection shows the unprecedented temperature spike we are in now…. and takes us where it leads.
No one is coming to save us. No magic carbon vacuum is coming that costs less than the immediate “benefits” of fossil fuels. The free market isn’t coming. Its been nearly 30 years since James Hansen sat in front of congress imploring action on climate. Nothing has changed. We can not afford to wait. Maybe, too, we can not afford to be so focused solely on solutions. Maybe this focus on solutions hurts our public awareness by skipping the first step of the discussion: “we have a problem- something must be done- you can continue as part of that problem, or decide to become the solution”.
We need to make that change now. We have no time to wait for polluters and their employees in the field, in their law offices, or in government to “change their mind” or agree to some watered-down version of what needs to be done: a concerted, citizen-powered changeover to 100% renewable energy, with as much transportation, heating and cooking switched to clean, renewable-generated electricity ASAP.
To survive, we must transition to a renewable generated economy that values workers, the environment, local communities and empowers all to take part however they can, to foster that transformation of our society and ensure livability of the planet for future generations. Germany did this and produce more solar than the US in a fraction of the size and the solar resource. Denmark did this and got massive amounts of wind energy (and the leading international wind industry that goes with it).
The good news: we here on Long Island are finally have the potential to lead a massive switch to renewables in the form of our potential 35000 megawatts, (with realistic expectations at about 10,000-15,000) of readily available off shore wind power.
The bad news: this process, without encountering resistance(just elected), technical issues, policy or leadership changes(just changed), or any of a multitude of potential delays, has been decided to take at least 5-7 years, with reality possibly longer. This is only for the first wind farm. Policy has rendered commercial scale off shore wind development for the entire US to merely BEGIN operations in 2022-2025. It could be another 10-20 years after that for full deployment.
This is time we just don’t have. We have much to do now to avoid new fossil fuel and dangerous nuclear from being added, before we can offset any need for them. tick-tick-tick.
Are you seeing the bumper stickers and window clings around town? Tell us where!
have you displayed your support, too?
you are following the campaign facebook page? Stay tuned- more dates and events will be coming.
It is “Cyber Monday”. You know- when millions have nothing better to do but shop online, now that they’re back on the job after the holiday weekend ; )!
I thought it would be fun to do some online shopping… For Solar Panels!
All Our Energy composite of BOEM /NYPA windfarm map, and Clean Ocean Action Map showing approximate location of proposed Ambrose LNG Port in relation to Long Beach, Jones Beach, and The proposed NYPA offshore Wind Farm
Yes that’s right.. This is proposed right smack dab where the offshore wind farm is supposed to go.
I would think if this goes through, the wind farm won’t because it will become an issue of “navigation”. You know, 1000 foot long, 20 story high ships can’t exctly slalom through the wind turbines like an Olympic event!!
And when you look at it in this light, it is very obvious that this plan could even be an intentional block to the Wind Farm (and others!). Mostly because in and of itself, it doesn’t make a lot of sense right now it is kind of a mystery why we even need it or what the motivation is behind it. They never would have to actually even carry LNG. They could just be claiming the land under the ocean from the wind farms.
Although stopped before, this same Liberty Natural Gas project is now being fast-tracked once again. The race is on because they’re hoping to jam it through while the Long Island South Shore towns are still in disarray after Superstorm Sandy. They rush to do it while anywhere from 10 to 50% of the residents are still displaced from Sandy, rebuilding is going on, and in the MAJORITY OF CASES NOT GOING ON as homeowners fight for their insurance money on a daily basis. A great time while nobody can pay attention to it!
Spearheading the public outreach I’ve seen is NYC Surfriders
Please click on that link to find all their extensive organized information.
Very interesting to read there that there will be a continuous use of the water itself and moderate spillage is expected routinely-thats just how it’s done!
In addition to being the wrong way to go for our future, the Surfriders remind us
The port would be located near the entrance to the NY Harbor, in two active Coast Guard training areas, in the middle of a proposed offshore wind area, and among several fishing areas and wildlife migration routes. The port, south of Jones Beach, NY and east of Monmouth Beach, NJ, would be connected to an offshore pipeline just south of Atlantic Beach, NY.
Paid proponents have been filtering in pro-posts and commentary on local blogs and websites. Please take up the mantle and post your comment that we don’t need it. Nothing else to discuss.
Especially since :
the direct beneficiary of this port’s profits will be an account in the Cayman Islands with no more names, details, or specifics available.[that will be great to deal with when we have to go after somebody for negligence, damaging the environment, blowing up our towns]
… overseas energy markets will benefit from a new access point for U.S. natural gas exports. (Only) Liberty’s 6 permanent employees and 6 consultant companies (none of which are located in New York or New Jersey) will benefit –
wait, I thought we had an abundance of natural gas right here in the US right now and the people in favor if it keep saying how cheap it is. Porponents will say “yes- those imports will help keep prices low.” so why do we need to import more? Why would some company invest in all this infrastructure with gas at such a low price.
They’re going to use this facility to broaden their market through export, which will RAISE prices and increase fracking in our local area. Not a dime will go into our economy, the company says this will employ virtually no one, and all the people of Long Islands South Shore will get is the dangers and risks.
click here -> Sea By The City in Long Beach has been running articles on this issue.
Another unbelievable question not being asked is
Where is the modern pipeline to carry this liquefied concentrated explosive?
Is it already under Long Beach?
Where does the concentrated liquified (un)natural gas go from the buoy?
How about the pipelines that will have to run under our towns, homes, beaches, bays, schools, day care centers, veterans hospitals, flag stores, puppy and kitten shelters etc (okay I might’ve just jumped the shark) 🙂 .
Based on recent and long term history of pipelines and fossil fuel companies, it cannot be trusted.
Especially in a “here-we-go-again, back door deal trying to slip it by, while good people aren’t looking”, kind of way. Especially as those good people clean up and try to restore their lives after a major disaster.
None of these companies is interested in the common good, only dollars.
No one in government is standing in their way and no one is punishing them when they f¥€% us up!
Good people are the only thing standing against them.
The reality is WE need to protect ourselves because no one else is.
There will be a public forum, posted as a facebook event by NYC Surfriders:
We need you there to show them we do not want any LNG station in our backyard! Make it out and let your voice be heard.
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Location: Allegria Hotel – 80 West Broadway, Long Beach
Open House: 4:30 — 5:30PM
Hearing: 6 pm to 8 pm
So until I see executives executed for willful crimes against humanity and future generations(heck i might even settle for some jail time); when problems happen because it was cheaper to take a fine than to fix something like, say the “Deepwater Horizon”, or the Arkansas Neighborhood pipeline, or the Dilbit Disaster Spill;
“NO” ‘s the word.
As loud as I can say it.
Ill be there July 9, 2013 to say it.
You can go to All Our Energy on Facebook
where you can click on and join the event and let them know you’re going.
You could also actually “like” us there and follow what we do from Facebook. 😉
I have also initiated the #NoPortAmbrose hashtag on twitter.
Much thanks to the NYC Surfriders, Sea By The City, and every one else getting the word out!
I am hereby re branding this to be more in-line with reality, now that we know what it is.
Facts are coming out that it is actually the Anti- Wind energy groups claims of “wind turbine syndrome” and the like that may be causing the very illness they tell residents to expect, not the wind turbines themselves.
No one is saying that the symptoms that people may be reporting aren’t real to them. Now the proof is coming in on what may really be causing their symptoms.
Healthy volunteers, when given information about the expected physiological effect of infrasound, reported symptoms that aligned with that information, during exposure to both infrasound and sham infrasound.
The research showed a large group of HEALTHY people could be expected to report symptoms if they were told to EXPECT them, whether or not they were exposed to the infrasound! Exactly as would happen when anti-wind energy groups publicize what they say are the “dangers”.
I would hope any of the people truly suffering, will now turn their focus and go after the people who actually did manipulate them and made them feel ill.
Enlightening facts show how other factors related to the fearmongering can help certain persons in certain circumstances play into the scenario. Further studies have shown those especially vulnerable are when people’s personal beliefs were already leaning anti (confirmation bias), amongst other reasons. Still, I do not blame these people who are suffering at all, whatever the reason. The blame rests squarely with those irresponsibly(at best) and purposely(at worst) causing innocent neighbors these problems. From today on, media outlets that just let these groups say “whatever” and just repeat it, share the culpability, as well.
Like (now reelected) US representative Tim Bishop said about climate change at last summer’s Long Island Off Shore Wind Conference: ““All we can do is just provide people with the facts…and hope they accept those facts.”
Unfortunately, that’s a long waiting game and the detractors of renewable energy know that putting up these straw man arguments delay the onset of their deserved extinction. They dont actually care if they make residents sick, and the more the better for their cause, in fact.
Hopefully this argument is put to bed for good, preventing further harm to anyone.
Letter in Long Beach Herald Sept. 22, 2017
The Long Beach Herald printed my letter… and since then another Category 5 hurricane devastated St Croix, USVI and Puerto Rico.
Climate change certainly is demanding our response. The answer is in you and me, in making it a priority, and acting together.
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