The report shows how wind energy is lowering pollution statewide and what that means for our health and environment.
It also outlines steps needed to expand wind energy to reap more of the benefits it provides.
Hear the Director of Environment New York, Heather Leibowitz, who is joined by David Alicea of The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign, explain and reveal the next steps we need to take.
you can do your part by getting involved at these links:
Harnessing New York wind resources offers an opportunity to move toward energy independence while reducing air pollution and the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Wind energy is a clean, emission-free, locally generated source of energy.
Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), Sierra Club, Renewable Energy Long Island (RELI), the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) are pleased to announce the 3rd annual offshore wind conference, Offshore Wind Power for New York: Reaching America’s Next Clean Energy Frontier. This important conversation will focus on how New York is supporting offshore wind development, the environmental and economic benefits to New York from investing in offshore wind, the critical next steps required to move offshore wind power forward in New York, and the advocacy efforts underway to finally make it a reality.
This event is free and open to the public. We hope you can join us!
I will definitely see you there! If you’re attending please drop me a line on the All Our Energy “Contact Us” page here. Let’s meet!
I really love the explanations about “why not natural gas”, “why not biofuels”
And especially the use strictly of WWS (wind, water and sunlight).
You really should check it out
Some great maps and graphics!
They’re not the first to point us in the right direction. Renewable Energy Long Island shiowed the way last year with their Long Island Clean Electricity Vision.
Probably the most important thing to go along with this (you know- besides doing the right thing for our children, our planet and the future) is the infrastructure and manufacturing base that would be born right here of the necessity to make this happen.
That would be a boon to the economy, help pay to fix crumbling and in need of repair infrastructure, and create tens of thousands of jobs. It could start an entire industry that could supply the rest of the world by investing in and succeeding in doing something like this right here.
Of course we would like to see more of this or that in the list. Someone
has shown the way. We should not let the desire for (that creates waiting for) the “perfect” scenario to outweigh the rewards of the success that can be achieved by acting, and by acting now.
It’s very easy everybody! Not the undertaking itself, that is work – but we definitely can do it. What is easy is it can be done if we decide to do it.
That’s it! If we decide to do it there’s nothing else stopping us. The final details would get hammered out. The “oh too bad we can’t do it”‘s would mean we just find a different way to reach 100% that works for the problematic few percent.
Would it be a “failure” if we only got to 90 or 95% by 2030?
What if, by acting now we can do 150% by then, and export the rest to another state to our west to cut down on the fossil fuel pollution they create that blows our way?
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation officials and Fracking Interests are running hand in hand… so what about the Environmental Conservation interests of New Yorkers?
Disturbing news is emerging that despite public outcry, the NY State Dept of Environmental Conservation(DEC) is succumbing to intense lobbying efforts from the fracking industry, ***stop press as we just learned ***
or worse may actually already be in bed with them.
several months’ (reports range from 6-10 weeks) early notification of impending regulations and recommendations so they could strategize, organize and maximize their lobbying efforts properly,
they have had input on tailoring upcoming regulations, and
may have even steered the environmental review process.
at best, the DEC have left all these accusations highly questionable-at worst they’re all true.
After Governor Cuomo said the regulations would be based on science conducted (which seemed to support the public outcry) and not politics, it seems state employees and regulators may not necessarily see it that way since they allowed fracking industry:
access to drafts of the state’s permit plans,… used that information to lobby hard against testing for radioactivity in wastewater, for example.
it goes on to say
seventy New York state legislators on both sides of the aisle pointed out six major issues they said were under-addressed …
Instead of focusing on issues like these, DEC staff were busy discussing zoning questions with industry lawyers and providing drillers with a chance to weigh in on the expense of complying with environmental protections.
We love the one where the fracking industry is now talking about getting rid of fracking waste “water”- by legally spraying it on local roadways!
You must read it.
****stop press*****
As if this all wasn’t outlandish enough…
it is now coming to light that the person at the DEC in charge of all this, is being outed as a fracking and drilling proponent who also publicly supports climate change denial.
Is that who we want in charge of our state’s Environmental Conservation!!
So is Bradley Field, the petroleum engineer and drilling proponent who can’t remember if he is a climate change denier; the holder of a singularly influential position to determine the outcome of shale gas development in New York state as the issuer of permits and the overseer of regulations — Is this Bradley Field nonpartisan? It’s a relevant question.
Not only relevant, it begs other questions:
should any singular unelected government official wield so much power?
Shouldn’t that person in charge of environmental conservation always err in favor of environmental conservation?