Tag Archive for LIPA

LIPA Board Meeting July 20, 2017

LIPA said “whoa”, and rejected this round, in investing in more off shore wind, new solar farms, and pretty much anything they had going.

Then, at yesterday’s board meeting, the attitude of some of them was that they “have time” to act.

Our volunteer Joanne was there to speak and told them these delays are a huge disappointment, and that no, they don’t have time to stop climate change by putting off decisions. Thank You Joanne!

Obviously, we are going to raise a giant stink that they have now reneged on their MANDATED 300 megawatts of renewables in the pipeline by 2018.
This is EXACTLY WHY these supposed mandates (“50% renewables by 2030” anyone? “up to 2400 megawatts of off shore wind by 2030”??) Its all meaningless when Every…Single….Time these state agencies fail to produce what is REQUIRED of themselves which are ALREADY so watered down to a minimal number and extended timeline in the first place.
Remember, the groups in the Off Shore Wind Alliance were pushing for what was thought a reasonably realistic and imperative first start of 5000 megawatts of off shore wind by 2025…
It does not bode well and it is nonsense to talk about a 25 or even 50 cent rate increase as being an issue for needed renewables, when every home was mandated to pay $4 a month for the profits bailout for upstate nuclear power plants with virtually no public input or response to objections.
The off shore wind campaign continues, as will our community solar effort to get the renewables we desperately need on to the grid… and Sea Cliff says GO!!
unnamed (65)
We had a great turnout at the launch of our reusable bag campaign at Creative Arts Studio in Sea Cliff as our first locality in Nassau. Volunteer members who join the All Our Energy team, can act to build and expand the campaign in their local community with us, and we will empower them to help push the campaign locally. Thanks for all the hard Work To John, Lorraine, and Tracy who got the Sea Cliff movement off the ground.

Renewables with Justice Prep June 19, 2017

6/19 Renewables with Justice: Resource Plan Prep
Prepare your testimony to speak or submit your thoughts at public hearings on LIPA and PSEG’s “Integrated Resource Plan” on June 21 in Smithtown, and June 22 in Mineola, defining our electricity grid for the next 10-20 years.
Become one renewable island, with renewables, off shore wind, and justice for all.

LIPA and PSEG Integrated Resource Plan Public Meetings June 21 and 22, 2017

LIPA and PSEG are poised to go with renewables and not build the 5 billion dollars in new shale gas power plants that were proposed… this is pretty huge!

This week’s hearings are crucial! We would love to have you come down Wednesday June 21 or Thursday June 22 for the LIPA and PSEG “Integrated Resource Plan” (IRP), public hearings on the next decade of our electricity system. Our future needs you there!
We need as many people as possible at the 6/21 1PM hearing in Smithtown, where the media will be. We are also focusing on the 6/22 evening session in Mineola (Details on all is Below)

Here is our quote for the press release:
“As a triumph in the fight against climate change and a bold move to economic and efficient renewables, we applaud the Integrated Resource Plan” said George Povall, Director of All Our Energy. “Saving billions of dollars in unnecessary fossil fuel plants, and avoiding their pollution is just smart, and LIPA should invest now in even more cost conscious, climate saving off shore wind to make that a reality.”

Newsday says wha? No, we didn’t let it stand. May 31, 2017

Earlier in May, Newsday had, for the second time in just a few weeks, assaulted both factual information about off shore wind and our renewable energy future with misleading complaints about the unknown costs of renewables in 2030. Our volunteer team did not disappoint in responding!! Congratulations to Karen Miller for having your letter published in Newsday and to all those who submitted letters to stand up for facts over anti-wind hit pieces.

Newsday letters to the editor Thursday, May 25, 2017
Newsday readers respond to topics covered.

I believe it would show total disrespect for the ratepayers if the Long Island Power Authority claimed it could outline the costs of green energy plans over the next 20 years.

The costs of both solar and wind power have been dropping. The costs for wind power alone have been forecast to shrink by 24 percent to 30 percent by 2030, according to a survey of experts published in the journal Nature Energy in November.

A 50-inch television bought 12 years ago cost several thousand dollars. Today, it costs several hundred. This is the way technology often works. For someone to base the cost of that TV today on the cost 12 years ago would have been foolhardy, and to pretend otherwise as an excuse for not implementing technology is to show an implicit bias.

Moreover, the need for us to utilize clean energy technologies is immediate and urgent. Failure to do so will allow the increased impact of climate change to exacerbate extreme weather conditions and sea-level rise.

Karen Miller, Woodbury

LIPA Board of Trustees Meeting May 2017


We had a busy week. After our strong group meeting, we went to the LIPA Board of Trustees to push for off shore wind with our allies.We told them we support them in fulfilling their legal obligation to purchase 400 Megawatts of renewables by 2018, of which only 190 have been filled since 2014, and that time is running out. We believe they are listening and with your help, will continue to support them to honor that obligation.

Huge LIPA Wind Rally



Photo courtesy of Joanne Moore

In an incredible way to end an incredible year, over 150 attended the largest off shore wind rally held yet, on 12/20, to help LIPA know that wind is their way forward.

Thanks to all who came out-to our own State Senator Todd Kaminsky, Senator Phil Boyle, and to all the partner organizations – Sane Energy Project, Renewable Energy Long Island, Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment, Sierra Club Beyond Coal, National Wildlife Federation, Long Island Federation of Labor, Food and Water Watch, NYPIRG, and all the others who made this such a resounding success.


photo courtesy of Lisa Oldendorp

We also thank our volunteer Joanne Moore, who then went in and spoke for us at the LIPA Board meeting.

She told them “It’s LIPA’s turn to move forward and “refocus our energy”. By choosing environment-saving off shore wind now, you can assure New York’s leadership will reap the job, cost, and clean energy benefits just waiting to be claimed for this and the next generation. It’s time we grab ahold of the clean energy economy that awaits to be the legacy of those who act.  ”

Thanks so much also to Lisa Oldendorp, Jerry Rivers, Jay Blackman, Karen Miller, Janis Abrams and so many others who helped All Our Energy represent at this event!




Day of Action for Off Shore Wind & Clean Energy

On 5/18/16, All Our Energy and partners staged a rally out front of LIPA’s offices, and then spoke at their board meeting that the time has come for off shore wind!


Speakers represented the benefits of off shore wind from jobs, to climate benefits, to getting what we pay for in our rates!


Great work from our team- Matt, K.C., Sam, Karen, and our incredible Speakers- Gordian Raacke of Renewable Energy Long Island, Peter Gollon from Sierra Club Long Island Group, Lisa Oldendorp from Move On, Olga Filakouris from NYPIRG, Joe Tonini from Sierra Club, Lou Sabbatini from Sierra Club, Sam Caslowitz of All Our Energy, and of course Matt Kearns who emceed the day, and designed the 20 foot tall turbine and plugs signs!



Press from Examiner:






more photos:




Then we went to the Nassau Clean Energy Standard hearing which had a great turnout and some really great testimony from renewable energy advocates.  I had stopped my testimony to ask how many people supported a bold move into off shore wind… and pretty much the entire room raised their hand in favor of it. 

check our social media for video of the turbine raising!

A very successful day in support of clean energy for LI thanks to YOU and your support and action!!


Ready for our 5/18/16 day of Action for Off Shore Wind

In the morning we will be assembling in front of LIPA Headquarters in Uniondale for a demonstration of support for offshore wind for the required new power generation on LI.



LIPA are meeting tomorrow as they consider new dirty energy plants for the east end right now, or get new power from an off shore wind farm 30 miles off Montauk, coupled with grid-size battery storage, that supplies that power cleanly, reliably, and economically.

We are staging a visual action outside their offices as we raise a 20 foot tall mock wind turbine and giant plugs as we say “Plug Me In to Off Shore Wind” and ask LIPA to lead us into the next generation, not lock us into dirty fuels of the past.  We have hand made signs, placards and stickers from Sierra Club and more for everyone to get their hands on and show their support!


Join All Our Energy, Long Island Progressive Coalition, NYPIRG, Mothers Out Front, and the Sierra Club for this memorable and newsworthy event.  Then we will go in to LIPA’s board meeting and testify that the time for off shore wind is NOW


Then in the evening join us to speak out at the NY State Public Service Commission’s “Clean Energy Standard” (CES) hearing in Mineola to determine the future of clean energy programs in the state. Local community groups including All Our Energy, Long Island Progressive Coalition, NYPIRG, Mothers Out Front, and the Sierra Club, will call on Governor Cuomo to make an enforceable commitment to renewable energy that includes large-scale offshore wind power. By compelling utilities and public energy authorities to purchase a certain amount of renewable power each year, the CES could make the Governors goal of generating 50 percent of New York States electricity from renewables by 2030 a reality!

We urge you to come speak and make sure we get the renewable energy future we deserve. Please bring a printed version of your comments to turn in if you must leave, just to be on the record, or if you have too much to say, but will be brief anyway!

Wind 4 LI: 5/18/16 Clean Energy Day of Action



Join our media-worthy action/demonstration for the next LIPA Board meeting and preparing to help everyone testify at the upcoming Clean Energy Standard (CES) hearings.  Somehow, they are scheduled for the same day!!

Naturally, we are responding with a Day Of Action for renewable energy!!!
Will you join us?  Please click the RSVP’s below and let us know!!

Join All Our Energy, Sierra Club Long Island Group, NYPIRG, Beyond Coal, the Win Wind NY (winwindny.org) Coalition and others for a Day of Action on Wednesday 5/18/16 
LIPA Meeting Action / Rally & Testimony
10:30am Group Turbine Raising then March Giant Plugs into LIPA offices. 
11:30am LIPA Board Meeting-testimony follows
LIPA headquarters. 
We will hold a demonstration of our support for a just transition away from fossil fuels and the rapid development of economical and readily available offshore wind for Long Island’s power needs. 
Participate in this creative action at LIPA headquarters to create newsworthy visuals that provide great media imagery, as we collectively raise a “wind turbine” and brandish laughably oversized plugs as we invite LIPA to lead the way and “plug us in” to offshore wind!  
Nassau Clean Energy Standard Hearing:
That evening on May 18th, Long Islanders will descend on the Clean Energy Standard hearing in Mineola to help spark a renewable energy revolution in the Empire State. It’s time for a renewable energy future in New York!
6pm Info Session. 
7pm Public Comments
Nassau County Executive and Legislative Bldg
Governor Cuomo aims to have 50 percent of the state’s energy come from renewables by 2030. This new goal must be enforceable so it lives up to its promises and must include a specific commitment and path to large-scale offshore wind development that could create thousands of new jobs here on Long Island. 
Additionally, the CES must apply to LIPA, as is proposed by the Public Service Commission, to ensure compliance and uniform standards for all NY power producers.  
There are Clean Energy Standard Hearings also in Riverhead (5/17) and Far Rockaway (5/18) – we are not covering these, but we can get you the info if you need-just ask!
       .   .   .
All Our Energy will host 2 meetings in the lead up to this, for public education to help you to testify at these events, and make artistic and logistic preparations for our May 18, 2016 Day of Action turbine raising and the props needed:
Wind 4 LI: Prepare for LIPA & CES Day of Action
Wind 4 LI: Art Build 4 LIPA & CES Day of Action
Levittown Public Library

bring your advocacy, passion, organization, and artistic talents to make this memorable, fun and have a big impact!  WE NEED YOUR HELP!

I know together we are going to make a big statement and help move the conversation from “if” to “how” to NOW!

Send a Postcard to LIPA for Off Shore Wind

Postcards are available now for you to write and send to the LIPA board!











Let LIPA know you are in favor of off shore wind! We will have these at all events for the public to sign!!!
We have plenty, but they need to get to LIPA ASAP to make an impact and let them know the public supports OSW instead of new fossil fuels!!