we advocate, educate, involve and empower the public to support renewable energy and act on environmental protection.


Support us, by clicking here

All Our Energy is a 501(c)(3) Not for Profit Corporation. Your tax-deductible support is needed to further our core missions: renewable energy advocacy and awareness, environmental stewardship, and public education and involvement through events and outreach opportunities that lead to action from participants.

  • All Our Energy is about:

    All Our Energy: personally…

    We put all our efforts into methods available right now that capture and claim renewable Wind, Solar, Tidal, Ocean Wave and other non-burning, non-nuclear, non-food-competitive energy sources; sources that are non-commoditized and truly are...

    All Our Energy: collectively…

    Belonging to everyone, owned by no-one, available to all; and we believe should be the Right of all to access the clean, fuel-free power generated. We will work to that end, to offset our own electricity usage and even generate extra as stored energy, thereby truly generating...

    All Our Energy: beneficially…

    Fulfilling our All Our Energy needs from truly renewable, non-environmentally threatening sources for the benefit of all of us-with dividends now... and to create a better future!

    Renewable Energy is All Our Energy.

    What is it all about?

    It is about outreach to make the general public more aware of, in support of and involved in changing over as much as possible to clean, renewable energy sources and methods: Wind, Solar, Tidal, and other non-nuclear, non-burning, non-food energy sources.

    How do you plan to do that?

    we actively engage the public and give them a place to belong. We will provide a community for them to share, a voice from which they can spring into action on their own. We will create action models and methods locally that can be scaled nationally and even globally.

    Why is this needed?

    The majority of people in this country believe we should be doing more but don't know what they could do about it. We will show them how they fit into the puzzle of making renewable energy the number one source for electricity generation We will bring the public together as a community whose membership speaks to politics speaks to the rest of the public

    Isn't that someone else's job?

    we believe the answer is NO-it is every citizen's resposibility to have the world we want to live in. Waiting all these years for "someone" to do "something" has a good long track record of "nothing" happening. That's our cue.. to inspire, unite, enable, and act.

    what matters

    Clean NRG

    our work

    • 2016 College Art Contest
    • All Our Energy in association with Sierra Club Long Island seek art submissions from students attending college in Nassau and Suffolk. Design our next off shore wind outreach and communication campaign poster that envisions Long Island’s sustainable energy future, with off shore wind and other ways to live more in harmony and balance with nature.

      It is an exciting time here with off shore wind power coming to the coast of Long Island.

      You will help and be part of this historic transition.   See our 2016 Art Contest page here



    • BYO Bag LB/ Combined Local Effort to Avoid Needless Single-Use Plastic (CLEANS-UP)
    • Our Successful BYO Bag LB campaign to eliminate Single use plastic bags drastically reduces single use bags that harm our waterways and environment. Help everyone make the cultural change with us before this takes effect on Earth Day 2017   Did you bring your bag today?   See our BYO Bag LB Page here



    • "Plug Me In to Off Shore Wind" Campaign
    • Individuals can both "plug in" to get involved, AND demand access to plug into clean wind energy for their electricity needs. The campaign exists to coalesce public support through an increase in the public's knowledge that creates the desire, need, and approval of offshore wind power, and results in large-scale visible support that influences decision makers to adopt Off Shore Wind power. Plug Me In Action Page


    • You stopped the Port Ambrose LNG Terminal
    • As a front-line organization to the effects of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project proposed off our beach, we worked with our friends, officials, partner organizations and residents to stop it. We brought together community meetings, involved our officials, and united other citizens, organizations, communities and officials through outreach and our "Love, New York" postcard campaign. See our LNG Info Page


    • Our monthly "Interconnected" meetings.
    • These events feature local and regional issues and speakers from organizations and businesses, on topics related to our mission. Past groups have featured Food and Water Watch, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Long Beach Farmers Market, Sierra Club, Sane Energy Project, Black Oak Wind Farm, Citizens' Climate Lobby, EmPower Solar, Power-Up Communities and more.



    • In-person outreach
    • Outreach will continue at outdoor and show events across the region to involve more of the public, and your contribution will help that outreach and provide action and involvement towards a renewable energy future.



    • Renewable Energy Advocacy
    • We make it our business to be involved in energy and utility issues, speak at hearings, write letters to build the right policy, participate in public forums and vocally provide the vision to become a renewable energy society, as we enable the public to join us in doing so.




    With you, we create a community to voice and act on ideas to expand support for renewable energy use and environmental stewardship through

    • casual to in-depth actions
    • ways for you to own, use, and invest in clean energy
    • extensive relationships
    • partnerships with like-minded organizations
    • engaging officials, Orgs, media & the public
    • open to your great ideas & involvement