In the morning we will be assembling in front of LIPA Headquarters in Uniondale for a demonstration of support for offshore wind for the required new power generation on LI.
LIPA are meeting tomorrow as they consider new dirty energy plants for the east end right now, or get new power from an off shore wind farm 30 miles off Montauk, coupled with grid-size battery storage, that supplies that power cleanly, reliably, and economically.
We are staging a visual action outside their offices as we raise a 20 foot tall mock wind turbine and giant plugs as we say “Plug Me In to Off Shore Wind” and ask LIPA to lead us into the next generation, not lock us into dirty fuels of the past. We have hand made signs, placards and stickers from Sierra Club and more for everyone to get their hands on and show their support!
Join All Our Energy, Long Island Progressive Coalition, NYPIRG, Mothers Out Front, and the Sierra Club for this memorable and newsworthy event. Then we will go in to LIPA’s board meeting and testify that the time for off shore wind is NOW
Then in the evening join us to speak out at the NY State Public Service Commission’s “Clean Energy Standard” (CES) hearing in Mineola to determine the future of clean energy programs in the state. Local community groups including All Our Energy, Long Island Progressive Coalition, NYPIRG, Mothers Out Front, and the Sierra Club, will call on Governor Cuomo to make an enforceable commitment to renewable energy that includes large-scale offshore wind power. By compelling utilities and public energy authorities to purchase a certain amount of renewable power each year, the CES could make the Governor’s goal of generating 50 percent of New York State’s electricity from renewables by 2030 a reality!
We urge you to come speak and make sure we get the renewable energy future we deserve. Please bring a printed version of your comments to turn in if you must leave, just to be on the record, or if you have too much to say, but will be brief anyway!
Matt’s Wind Letter Published in Newsday
Our own Matt Kearns’ letter to the editor was published in Newsday.
Letter: Shift quickly to wind power offshore
The timing couldn’t have been better as we roll out our “Day of Action” for renewables on LI.
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