March 2014 News Stories

screen capture of the top of our new home page!

screen capture of the top of our new home page!

Ok, I can now reveal a complete revamp of our main website as seen here!

Check it out at
It is still not 100% done, its a work in progress and several features are being finished right now.
I doubt the word “done” will ever come to mind in relation to it, as I hope for it to always grow, change and remain fresh…

As you are one our core followers, I’d like any input you may have to help advance our outreach to the general public, businesses, orgs, politicians and others to create conversations, and help ignite interest, expand knowledge and inspire action to bring about the clean energy revolution.


other important and topical news items:

New York State Energy Plan Hearings
Yours truly attended the hearings on New York’s energy plan at SUNY Farmingdale on March 3, 2014.
In my debut, I actually signed up and spoke about it to the State representatives and made the case that the energy plan needs better vision and paths to achieve more renewable energy.
I believe this is showing TONIGHT- March 17 at 9:30 or 10:30 PM on Cablevision Channel 20 with additional footage Thursday March 20 at 3PM and 4PM as well.



As oil and gas interests and conservative media here exploit the crisis in Crimea to call for more fracking, pipelines, LNG Ports etc.(and express their infatuation with and admiration for ruthless, democracy hating, shirtless Dictators),
The European Wind Energy Association reminded them and everyone else that though he can mess with their fossil fuel supplies, Vladamir Putin Can’t Shut down their Wind Energy!!

Up For Climate! 31 Senators insisted on making the case for action on global Climate Change by speaking all night about it. Thanks to our Senators Schumer and Gillibrand plus Senators Booker of NJ, Warren and Markey of MA, Sanders Of VT, Blumenthal and Murphy of CT, and from NH Shaheen and Whitehouse who led the charge on Up For Climate!
The state by state Roadmap to 100% renewable energy by 2050

Last days for high school students to register for the EmPower Solar Student contest 2014
Winners go to Solar Decathlon 2014. in Versailles France!

US Natural gas fail 2014. right when they needed it, windpower saved the day as natural gas came up short.
Paul Gipe serves em up like few can.
Charting Offshore Wind’s Next Course
bits and pieces from the recent Boston area offshore wind conference
some promising news on the wave energy front:
World’s largest wave energy project could supply 62.5 megawatts at peak power
Overreliance on Natural Gas: Risky for the climate and the economy
“More natural gas is a bridge to a warmer world”
Wind Energy Economic and Environmental so many outright lie op eds out there, most from actual paid lobbyists, so here’s a good one that fights back from Maine, where wind energy makes headway against tiny but well funded and even better connected opposition, in a place where wind energy is a “no brainer”.
have you got stories, experiences or thoughts to share? let us know. after all, YOU are All Our Energy!

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