On 5/18/16, All Our Energy and partners staged a rally out front of LIPA’s offices, and then spoke at their board meeting that the time has come for off shore wind!
Speakers represented the benefits of off shore wind from jobs, to climate benefits, to getting what we pay for in our rates!
Great work from our team- Matt, K.C., Sam, Karen, and our incredible Speakers- Gordian Raacke of Renewable Energy Long Island, Peter Gollon from Sierra Club Long Island Group, Lisa Oldendorp from Move On, Olga Filakouris from NYPIRG, Joe Tonini from Sierra Club, Lou Sabbatini from Sierra Club, Sam Caslowitz of All Our Energy, and of course Matt Kearns who emceed the day, and designed the 20 foot tall turbine and plugs signs!
Press from Examiner:
more photos:
Then we went to the Nassau Clean Energy Standard hearing which had a great turnout and some really great testimony from renewable energy advocates. I had stopped my testimony to ask how many people supported a bold move into off shore wind… and pretty much the entire room raised their hand in favor of it.
check our social media for video of the turbine raising!
A very successful day in support of clean energy for LI thanks to YOU and your support and action!!