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Renewables with Justice Prep June 19, 2017

6/19 Renewables with Justice: Resource Plan Prep
Prepare your testimony to speak or submit your thoughts at public hearings on LIPA and PSEG’s “Integrated Resource Plan” on June 21 in Smithtown, and June 22 in Mineola, defining our electricity grid for the next 10-20 years.
Become one renewable island, with renewables, off shore wind, and justice for all.

LIPA and PSEG Integrated Resource Plan Public Meetings June 21 and 22, 2017

LIPA and PSEG are poised to go with renewables and not build the 5 billion dollars in new shale gas power plants that were proposed… this is pretty huge!

This week’s hearings are crucial! We would love to have you come down Wednesday June 21 or Thursday June 22 for the LIPA and PSEG “Integrated Resource Plan” (IRP), public hearings on the next decade of our electricity system. Our future needs you there!
We need as many people as possible at the 6/21 1PM hearing in Smithtown, where the media will be. We are also focusing on the 6/22 evening session in Mineola (Details on all is Below)

Here is our quote for the press release:
“As a triumph in the fight against climate change and a bold move to economic and efficient renewables, we applaud the Integrated Resource Plan” said George Povall, Director of All Our Energy. “Saving billions of dollars in unnecessary fossil fuel plants, and avoiding their pollution is just smart, and LIPA should invest now in even more cost conscious, climate saving off shore wind to make that a reality.”

Long Island Climate Resistance Summit – June 11, 2017


Climate Summit

What a great turnout, at a beautiful location, during a historic moment at the Long Island Climate Resistance Summit! So many new friends and such an inspiring day!

A special THANK YOU goes out to our volunteers – Ann, Karen, Joanne, Gary, and Susan (pictured here with me) for helping make it such a success!! Thank you to all who attended, and to our partner organizations who made the day such a success. We met so many new people we know are ready to take action to fight climate change on Long Island.

Thanks to all who took part in our discussion and had so many great questions and answers at our Community Solar workshop.

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Energy Independence Contest June 2017

contestLooks Like Georgia Avenue is still in the lead!!

The Long Beach State Street Energy Independence Contest is in full swing for residents in the West End! Winning blocks will get funds for their block parties this summer!

Point Lookout Wind Turbine Visit June 10, 2017


It aint godzilla, it’s the Point Lookout wind turbine….

After we went to the LIPA Board of Trustees to push for off shore wind with our allies, some of our volunteers visited the Town Of Hempstead Energy Park, to check out their 156 ft tall, 100kw wind turbine that makes enough power for 80  homes, plus their 100kw solar farm and their hydrogen energy storage system.  What an interesting day, thanks to Tara Schneider-Moran at Town of Hempstead. We will be keeping in touch and will return again.

Newsday says wha? No, we didn’t let it stand. May 31, 2017

Earlier in May, Newsday had, for the second time in just a few weeks, assaulted both factual information about off shore wind and our renewable energy future with misleading complaints about the unknown costs of renewables in 2030. Our volunteer team did not disappoint in responding!! Congratulations to Karen Miller for having your letter published in Newsday and to all those who submitted letters to stand up for facts over anti-wind hit pieces.

Newsday letters to the editor Thursday, May 25, 2017
Newsday readers respond to topics covered.

I believe it would show total disrespect for the ratepayers if the Long Island Power Authority claimed it could outline the costs of green energy plans over the next 20 years.

The costs of both solar and wind power have been dropping. The costs for wind power alone have been forecast to shrink by 24 percent to 30 percent by 2030, according to a survey of experts published in the journal Nature Energy in November.

A 50-inch television bought 12 years ago cost several thousand dollars. Today, it costs several hundred. This is the way technology often works. For someone to base the cost of that TV today on the cost 12 years ago would have been foolhardy, and to pretend otherwise as an excuse for not implementing technology is to show an implicit bias.

Moreover, the need for us to utilize clean energy technologies is immediate and urgent. Failure to do so will allow the increased impact of climate change to exacerbate extreme weather conditions and sea-level rise.

Karen Miller, Woodbury

LIPA Board of Trustees Meeting May 2017


We had a busy week. After our strong group meeting, we went to the LIPA Board of Trustees to push for off shore wind with our allies.We told them we support them in fulfilling their legal obligation to purchase 400 Megawatts of renewables by 2018, of which only 190 have been filled since 2014, and that time is running out. We believe they are listening and with your help, will continue to support them to honor that obligation.

Earth Day in Long Beach April 22, 2017

unnamedWhat a well attended and fun Earth day in Long Beach! Hundreds of people joined for the Jellyfish Jamboree Parade and the events at city hall as the bag law took effect. Thousands of bags were given away, and more are going out through city channels now.

Though a few are complaining about the bag law going into effect, the reports we have gotten back from actual retailers who do business are that the public reaction is much better than they expected and most people understand. We witnessed many, many people bringing their own bags shopping this weekend with smiles on their faces.

We remain committed to seeing city bag giveaways reach their intended targets and to addressing issues ourselves, and just delivered over 200 bags our volunteers sourced directly to seniors and organizations who otherwise might be left out.

Help us meet these needs and donate to our Reusable Bag Fund here

People’s Climate March: Long Beach, NY April 29, 2017

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We are definitely gearing up for a fun and meaningful time at the Long Beach People’s Climate March official sister event. Thanks to all who have stepped up to volunteer to make it a success.

All Our Energy invite you to join us and Sierra Club Beyond Coal, Long Island Progressive Coalition, Sane Energy Project, Interfaith Power and Light, NY Communities for Change and many more for the official People’s Climate March sister event in LONG BEACH on 4/29/17 at 10am.
Bring your signs, your art, your smiles, and some friends to stand up for who and what we love.
Together we are going to have fun, and make the world we want a reality!

Make Art for Earth April 11, 2017

On Tuesday 4/11/17, Laura Swan and Stewards of the Sea will host an art build to make signs and visuals for both that and Earth Day events.