Looks Like Georgia Avenue is still in the lead!!
The Long Beach State Street Energy Independence Contest is in full swing for residents in the West End! Winning blocks will get funds for their block parties this summer!
Looks Like Georgia Avenue is still in the lead!!
The Long Beach State Street Energy Independence Contest is in full swing for residents in the West End! Winning blocks will get funds for their block parties this summer!
Happy Independence Day 2013.
wanted to share some Independence Day stories:
From Solar Energy Industries of America: Solar Offers Hope in Fight Against Climate Change
From Renewable Northwest: Serving the USA through Clean Energy.
great story about veterans and the military expanding Renewables use.
and you can check out some of our shares on our Facebook page as well:
The new Sanya Skypump EV charging station. Your own energy independence, right in your own driveway?
Oooh, look at that VAWT*, so clean and beautiful, the sleek stylish look of the whole system… I’m going to have to tell the TV and the iPhone… there may be another in my life!
Welcome the Sanya Skypump.
The new “fuel pump” for your EV (electric vehicle).
Vehicles are the last bastion of dirty energy proponents saying : how are you going to move everything that moves our modern world and economy without fossil fuels?!! (funny, my autocorrect corrected “economy” to “ruining”- food for thought)
Maybe we don’t have all the answers just yet. Is that any reason not to take a couple hundred million dirty cars and trucks off the road as soon as financially and technologically possible?
Wouldn’t that leave plenty of decades worth of fossil fuels for airplanes? (whoops, they don’t need them anymore either- biofuels have recently proven an alternative for that.)
Wouldn’t the industry that it would take to deploy and maintain something like this to everyone employ tens of millions world-wide while making the world a better place??
Right now, your EV could be charging in your driveway, running on kilowatt hours produced from coal, doing nothing to get off of dirty energy.
With this, you just plug in and you have a truly clean driving experience with no dirty energy footprint.
Just think:
Notice that solar panels can also be attached to it’s infrastructure, backing up your wind generation!
Oh and of course the sun and wind don’t stop just because you’re not charging your car, and that generated energy can be used for
Now that’s truly giving you and I energy independence, right where you and I live.
If you and I had access to true energy inedependence, there’s no need for the government or corporations to “figure it out for us”.
Now I just have to see it in action to believe it! Oh we can do that here:
While writing this post, this timely article also hit :
Ford Goes Big on Electric Vehicles, Future Looks Bright for Wind-Powered Cars
*VAWT – vertical axis wind turbine”
*pirate – One who preys on others; a plunderer.