Come to The Long Island Clean Energy Forum: Navigating NY’s Energy Crossroads. Tuesday December 4th 7:00 to 9:00 PM. This is what Long Island’s energy future should look like.
Come ready to learn your role in the push for clean energy…
So, what’s everybody doing next Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 7PM?
“At this forum, you will hear from a panel of well-respected individuals in the clean energy field, including Adrienne Esposito of Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment, Peter Olmsted of the Vote Solar Initiative, Gordian Raacke of Renewable Energy Long Island, as well as a representative from the offshore wind company Deepwater Wind.” –
Please join the Sierra Club and the Green Sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock on the evening of Tuesday, December 4th, 7 to 9 pm for a discussion on Long Island’s clean energy future. The forum will be held in the Social Hall of the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock at 48 Shelter Rock Rd, Manhasset, NY 11030. You can find directions here:
The Clean Energy Forum will provide a great opportunity to learn more about the current turning point in our energy policy and which path we need to take to achieve the future we want to see. This will be an action oriented discussion so
come ready to learn your role in the push for clean energy.
Find all the information and attendee registration here:
Industry-sponsored “Frackademia”, on grounds of a state school (geez!) is ended amidst a ridiculously outlandish fake study, with fake “peer” review.
Although, if you are the fracking industry, and you put out a fake study, and further fracking industry people do the review, then I guess, technically, that would be “peer review”.
Thankfully someone has a backbone and integrity! Our hats are off to SUNY Buffalo President Satish K. Tripathi, who this week shut down SUNY Buffalo’s “Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI)”.
Their hydraulic fracturing (fracking) “study” (ostensibly to open up New York State resources against public outcry because our politicians put off decisions by saying we need studies) was just a fully funded front for the fracking industry.
“(From) its “shill gas study,” the first paper published by SRSI. All of the co-authors of this paper had direct ties to the oil and gas industry, as did four out of five of its peer reviewers.”
The head of SUNY Buffalo said:
“It is imperative that our faculty members adhere to rigorous standards of academic integrity, intellectual honesty, transparency, and the highest ethical conduct in their work. Because of these collective concerns, I have decided to close the Shale Resources and Society Institute.”
it’s time to get off the fence… take a minute to put your voice behind these renewable energy political motions!
The Election’s Over: So Now What?
Our take on the election:
I haven’t heard the full total yet, but at last count this summer big oil, coal, and dirty energy had spent in excess of $180 million and by election day had ramped that up to over $270 million spent on this year’s Presidential and Congressional races.. and LOST on many actual ballots.
In fact, they may have helped galvanize voters against their repugnant fossil-fuels-at-all-costs agenda. A must-read article here from Rebecca Leber at Think Progress discusses WHY, instead of just letting “you decide” with only innuendo, fear and half-truths to go on: Analysis: Why Voters Didn’t Buy TV Attack Ads From Fossil Fuel Interests.
Truth will out, as the Brits say.
That is, unless you count the costs their anti-renewables campaign contributions got them:
their bought and paid for witch hunts that made Solyndra a household name and all renewable energy implied as the same, causing a cascade of other failures.
putting an end to the measly, yet effective, Production Tax Credit (PTC)
help to brainwash “low information voters” as Bill Maher calls them, convinced they don’t benefit from a cheaper, cleaner, renewable resource
the idea that giving RE government support, as in tax break “subsidies”, even if only a microscopic percentage of what dirty energy gets, is a “boondoggle”!! I’ve gotta admit I love that word, it tells me instantaneously I’m dealing with one of the powerwashed!
Well, just because the party less antagonistic to renewable energy was re-elected and gained seats, doesn’t mean you and we should just sit on our collective haunches…
So here’s some political action floating at the moment:
� First, one of my renewables idols, Paul Gipe, says we should be bringing president Obama’s attention to our abysmal rankings and how far we’ve fallen behind most of the free world, and many of the not so free, as well.
You can read his article here: Now Re-elected, President Obama Should Examine US’ Renewable Rank
� I found in my inbox this great one from AWEA (American Wind Energy Association)’s Power of Wind, where you can sign their petition to:
It has helped spur billions in private investment, and helps serve the country’s strategic interest. They say the PTC has been instrumental in helping the wind industry to:
• Lower the cost of wind power by more than 90%
• Manufacture components for wind turbines at nearly 500 U.S. manufacturing facilities
• Power the equivalent of 12 million American homes
• Provide 35% of all new U.S. power capacity in the past five years
� And when you finish with that, you can then directly contact your legislators and let them know that they need to get on board via email on their system.
You can do that here: Save USA Wind Jobs: Contact Congress Today!
Both took less than 30 seconds.
SUNY Buffalo No Longer a Party to Peddling Buffalo Chips.
The State University of New York at Buffalo Logo
Industry-sponsored “Frackademia”, on grounds of a state school (geez!) is ended amidst a ridiculously outlandish fake study, with fake “peer” review.
Although, if you are the fracking industry, and you put out a fake study, and further fracking industry people do the review, then I guess, technically, that would be “peer review”.
Thankfully someone has a backbone and integrity! Our hats are off to SUNY Buffalo President Satish K. Tripathi, who this week shut down SUNY Buffalo’s “Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI)”.
Their hydraulic fracturing (fracking) “study” (ostensibly to open up New York State resources against public outcry because our politicians put off decisions by saying we need studies) was just a fully funded front for the fracking industry.
Great quote from Steve Horn at Desmogblog
The head of SUNY Buffalo said:
You can read all about it here:
Breaking: SUNY Buffalo Shuts “Frackademia” Center, Shale Resources and Society Institute from Desmogblog.
In today’s news, the Fox said the Chickens don’t have to bother looking out for foxes anymore.
Whew! That’s a load off our bird brains!
Now in good news, check out the following stories we LOVE to hear about:
GE Celebrates Installation Of 20,000th Wind Turbine – Clean Technica
To enhance national security, the US military invests in hundreds of cleantech projects – The Energy Collective
1st Carbon Auction in Cash-Strapped Calif. Raises Nearly $300M – Inside Climate News
Wind Power Might Meet 1/5 Of Global Electricity Demand By 2030 – Clean Technica
Buoy to study offshore wind conditions placed 23 miles off Jersey Shore – NJ.Com / Star-Ledger
Group says Long Island’s residential power could go renewable by end of decade -Easthampton Star
Keep us posted!
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