The results of a recent Sierra Club Poll are in:
Long Island is ready for renewable energy.
Looking down the road: A new poll shows the overwhelming majority of Long Islanders want Renewable Energy for their electricity needs.
In light of LIPA’s looming (and hopefully not “dooming”) decisions on what they are going to do about generating our electricity in the future, some important answers emerge about what Long Islanders – LIPA’s customers – think and want.
The questions show an overwhelming majority of Long Islanders, in the 77-90% range depending on the question, are on board with changing over to renewable energy.
The Poll By the Numbers:
87%- believe New York State should honor it’s commitment to using 30% renewable Energy by 2015 (we’re way behind!)
85% support offshore wind power 12 to 15 miles off the coast of Long Island
78% prefer that New York utilities build new renewable energy infrastructure instead of additional fossil fuel plants
78% think the Cuomo Administration should prioritize clean, renewable energy resources ahead of fossil fuels
79% the majority want it, even if it costs more-only 16% wouldnt pay more!
89% – say we should meet our renewable energy goals using clean energy from projects built in New York State – (as opposed to “outsourcing” our renewable energy opportunities to another state to develop, deliver and profit from.)
You can find the poll and results for yourself here:
It would seem Long Islanders are ready, we just need to let LIPA and National Grid know they need to move in this direction NOW.
So, what are we waiting for Long Island? Let’s Do It!
Tell LIPA- We need clean energy.
Today-Several dozen concerned citizens, hosted by The Sierra Club, were literally “calling” on LIPA to invest in clean, renewable energy.
Those calls were to let LIPA know that instead of sticking all of us into long range contracts that will keep Long Island fossil fuel-dependent for many decades to come, they must pursue clean energy.
LIPA is deciding over this week how they are going to replace their old power plants and how they are going to provide the additional power Long Island’s growth is demanding.
Today, The Sierra Club and Community Voices for Clean Energy are calling on all of us to let LIPA know that the only way is ahead to renewables, and not to go back to dirty fossil fuels!
You can make a difference, LIPA is listening!! heres how:
instructions for calling LIPA. Let them know you want renewable energy!
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