Archive for July 14, 2017

Screening of Bag It Movie in Sea Cliff July 20, 2017

unnamed Bag it
Is plastic pollution bringing you down?

We are stoked to announce-
We launch our campaign to take the success of our reusable bag campaign beyond Long Beach!

We succeeded on the reusable bag campaign with your help in Long Beach. Thank You!

Would you like to work on it in your town, too?

We are launching a bottom up, grassroots campaign in localities in Nassau. Volunteer members who join the All Our Energy team, can act to build and expand the campaign in their local community with us, and we will empower them to help push the campaign locally.

We announce the first team effort in Sea Cliff. NY. The team has been developing our plan, we have laid the groundwork, and we announce our campaign kickoff event:

Plastic pollution getting you down?

Bag It Free Movie Screening and discussion
Thursday July 20, 7pm
Creative Arts Studio
256 Sea Cliff Ave, Sea Cliff, NY 11579

Please take a moment to sign our petition to the Village of Sea Cliff, NY Here and then share it to help launch this campaign to success!

Want to join the team or work in your municipality?
Please go to and click on the appropriate boxes in “Reusable Bags” you can help with!

Together, we will do great things!!


George Povall
All Our Energy

PS- We are doing amazing and very needed work. We thank our volunteers and donors for making it possible.
Please support us to involve everyone in the transition to renewable energy, fight climate change, and act locally on environmental issues like getting rid of plastic pollution.