10/28/16 – 7pm Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Central Nassau,
223 Stewart Avenue,
Garden City, NY
The Administration & Lobbyists are pushing for a vote on TPP right after elections. But what they’re not telling the public is–the Trans Pacific Partnership is NOT just a Trade deal! It’s a corporate wish list that will affect every aspect of our lives–from environmental protection, to access to medicine, to personal financial stability, to the sovereignty of municipalities and nations to make and enforce laws. Why are so many human rights groups, leading economists, environmental, and faith groups actively opposing it? How is this a social justice issue? Join us for a presentation on the TPP, which will include a PowerPoint and expert speakers.
Your Representatives in Congress have a key vote! Find out where your representative stands and learn what YOU can do to help!
Guest Speakers: Eric Weltman, Senior Organizer of Food & Water Watch NY; Michael Gendron, Exec. VP of Communication Workers of America 1108; Stan Bergman, Pres. LI Chapter of Alliance for Retired Americans; George Povall, Organizer of All Our Energy; Jane Fasullo, Group Chair of Sierra Club LI.