Thanks to YOU and your voices, an amazing team who did so much work, with some smart officials, and the support of the business community, The City of Long Beach unanimously passed their checkout bag law Tuesday October 18, 2016!
Thanks are in order!
First, I want to thank the Long Beach City Council who listened, were forward-thinking and who took action to be the leaders on this issue as the first municipality in Nassau to do so.
Thank You to Vice President Anthony Eramo, whose early declaration made it a priority this year and who helped bring our campaign into the city, Eileen Goggin, who helped host more events, Council President Len Torres, Council Members Scott Mandel and Anissa Moore for your attention and perseverance to get this done. Thank you all for your leadership!! The community really came together and you are the reason.
Thanks also to City Manager Jack Schnirman and staff Ryan Mc Tiernan who was instrumental in all of this.
Thank you to All Our Energy’s campaign partners Surfrider Foundation Central LI Chapter and Sierra Club Long Island Group whose financial, technical, and moral support pushed this campaign through to victory.
I thank the other members of the BYO Bag LB leadership team- Amanda Moore, Scott Bochner and Tara Bono for the amazing efforts you have delivered to help this succeed, and my wife, Barbara Hackett, who lived with this campaign 24-7 and helped more than anyone could know. Thank you!
We had some incredible volunteers working on this, and none gave more than Stacy Russo, Joanne Moore, Joan Monahan, Robin Csabon, Jo Eisman, and James Mangels, with help and support from All Our Energy team leader Matt Kearns.
We were inspired with artwork from Laura Swan and Stewards of the Sea throughout this process that made it vibrant and heartwarming. Thank You.
Thanks to the youth team, especially Fin Ashmead, Mia Mangels, Noele Micheman, and Lucy Tomicick.
Thank you, to the Long Beach Chamber and so many members who have been instrumental in helping the business community come together.
Some individuals who helped make a big difference- Sam Pinto, Bernadette Martin, Georgia Meckes, Joey Naham, Kelly Sullivan, Liz Treston, Mary Velosovitch, Nancy Schulman, Dieter Von Lehsten, and many others, I’m sorry if you’ve been left out!
I want to thank the other businesses and organizations that have been so supportive – Sunpower by Empower Solar who have hosted so many meetings and sponsored events. Thanks to event partners Gentle Brew Coffee, Cybernet, East Park Chiropractic, Lift, Bridgeworks, Long Beach International Film Festival who all supported the campaign and we really appreciate it!
We got so much support from organizations, too- Sane Energy Project, Long Island Progressive Coalition, Arts in the Plaza, Long Beach Farmers Market, Long Beach Martin Luther King Center, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Long Beach Parks and Recreation, St James of Jerusalem Episcopal Church, Key Food East, and Key Food West.
This is FAR from everyone, so simply by reading this, know I thank you for your support and involvement!
So now what?
Well, this work is far from done.
We have 1000 low income residents that need -a full set of reusable bags- and our help to get them.
We have many people who still have no idea about this.
We have merchants still unaware or with concerns.
We will be here to help the transition happen so it STICKS and becomes part of our culture. Hopefully at the same time it will raise consciousness of all plastic, waste, energy, air and water and many other environmental issues and help people address those issues as well.
For now, its enough to say- we did it- all of us, I’m glad we took the journey together.
Thank you all.
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