Our Sea Cliff reusable bag campaign team have been super active, getting school-wide screenings of Bag It shown this week, preparing for our first local beach clean up, involving local officials, producing some major art and educational efforts, like these Groovy Solutions showing you already have many plastic bags every week you CANNOT avoid, that you can reuse, and that you probably don’t need single use shopping bags for pet waste. Thanks to Lorraine, John, Lori, Laura, Leslie, Amy, Amy, Judy, Kate, and everyone else making change!
We work with some amazing organizations who are making change, too! Thanks to Food and Water Watch, Move Forward LI, Sane Energy Project, NY Communities for Change, NYPIRG, and many others working for a just transition to a renewable energy economy.
Archive for November 23, 2017
Sea Cliff Reusable Bag Campaign November 2017
Category: BYO Bag Campaign, environmental
| Tags: BYOB campaign, Sea Cliff